Saturday, November 5, 2016

We are the Starry-Eyed: CBC MOPS 2016-2017

We are the Starry-eyed: Wonder. Hope. Kindness.  The MOPS theme for 2016-17 evokes images of a twinkling, starry night sky. It reminds me of the surprise of a shooting star and the warm glow of the setting sun as the first stars come out.  As I reflected on the theme this summer, I thought of what connects us as mothers of preschoolers.  When was your first moment of mom wonder?  It might have been the first moment you saw a little blue line on a pregnancy test or maybe at the first flutter of movement you felt, realizing it was a life inside you.  For some, it is the moment when your baby is first placed in our arms.  Maybe your pregnancy was filled with anxiety due to previous loss. Maybe you didn’t hear angels sing as that baby was placed in your arms but it was the slow growing burn like that setting sun.  Somehow, this journey is wonderful despite the heartaches and because of the joys that unite us.  Wonder is the root of wonderful and to be filled with wonder on this journey, we have to pause long enough to notice the little things.  This year, my hope is that MOPS at CBC helps you pause and absorb the wonderful.  We will feed you, watch your children in a safe environment and invite speakers that teach and encourage us in our walk as mothers.  My hope is that you will take the practice of pausing home with you and utilize it when life gets wild.  It may take lighting a candle, playing some encouraging music, going for a drive or even locking yourself in the bathroom for a minute to take a deep breath.   Those stolen moments of quiet time are needed to help the wonder win in the battle for balance in the preschool years.

Maybe you don’t feel very full of wonder most days.  Maybe you would not title your life “It’s a Wonderful Life”.  Maybe you have days like me that fit better into “My No-Good, Very Bad Day” story.  A month ago, I had a day that started out with my two toddlers crying outside the shower and ended with my being late to the MOPS steering team meeting.  In the middle was a handoff to my husband at the soccer field in which I explained there was spilled food on the baby in the carseat, one child didn’t have shoes on, another child was late to a practice and I didn’t even know which field it was at, and the other was at his game but didn’t have a water bottle with him.

The truth is, I wasn’t going to share the chaos of that day, until a friend reminded me that MOPS is a place where we are real.  We may not have the same birth story, family structure and child feeding adventures. We may have different opinions on babywearing, child discipline and schooling.  But in the end, we all have little children and can unify around the things that all moms of preschoolers understand….like messes and lost items and poop.  From the first moment you attempt to decipher the colors and consistencies of newborn poop while comparing to a chart, we “get” you (more than understanding how a poop can be fluorescent yellow and look like rice when all the baby has eaten is milk).  We know that when your toddler wants to show you he pooped on his own, he will lead you to the kitchen floor instead of the bathroom and that there has likely been poop in many places you never dreamed it could go (the walls, your hair, baby’s socks).  We  know the hope your new kindergartner will refrain from demonstrating to the teacher he can turn any answer or conversation into one with the words “poop” and “underwear” will not save you from discussing just that at parent-teacher night.
Basically, at MOPS we believe we are better when we mom together.  This is your tribe.  You belong here and I pray it gives you hope to know you are not alone on this journey. There is a mentor mom at your table that can assure you these years can be survived.  Make the effort to connect with your group and you will be blessed with shared wonder, hope and extended kindness.