Friday, February 13, 2015

February MOPS Meeting

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so what better way to prepare than to hear about ways we can BOLDLY build our husbands up?! Peg Devault encouraged us this morning with her talk on "Husband Soup."

Peg shared her wisdom with us and gave us 6 ingredients we can use to strengthen our marriages and relationship with our husband:
1. Fear of God--Fear isn't a bad thing if we see it in the context of God's Word.
2. Prayer--Pray for your husband often, that God would fill him with Christ-exalting wisdom.
3. The Bible--Become a strong woman of the Word. (2 Timothy 2:15)
4. Trust and Respect--We should trust our husband and he should trust us. Show respect to your husband. He is the God-ordained head of you and your household.
5. Guarded Tongue--"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness." (Proverbs 31:26)
6. Humor and Fun--There is always something to laugh about. Humor can often diffuse a difficult situation. God has a wonderful sense of humor and He delights to delight us!

We are so thankful Peg blessed us with words of encouragement and also challenged us in areas God may need to grow us in our role as wives.

Our Creative Activity was "Mini-Dry Erase Boards" we can each use to leave sweet love notes to our husbands on for Valentine's Day, right?! They all turned out cute and can be used for memory verses, menu lists, and more!

And as always, we gave out lots of prizes and give-a-aways! A couple gals won a date night basket! So fun!
We will see you all again at our March meeting!

And don't forget, if you are interested in attending Hearts at Home, the deadline to register is next week!