Friday, December 12, 2014

December MOPS Meeting

Today's MOPS meeting was fun, fun, fun!! We did not have a speaker or Creative Activity this month, but instead enjoyed a more relaxed morning!

We started our morning off focusing our hearts on the reason we celebrate Christmas: Christ's birth. I was blessed to get to read, "Christmas Through Mary's Eyes" to the group. As mothers, it's very humbling to think of what that experience would have been like for Mary.

Next we did our White Elephant Gift Exchange! Look at all these awesome gifts!
There was lots of stealing going on! This gal was determined to walk away with this gift!
Time to open them! There were so many cute things everyone brought! So fun!

Score! Look at that adorable scarf!
We also squeezed in some Christmas trivia! And of course, ended with a prize! These ladies are thinking hard!
And thank you SO much to everyone who contributed to our donation collection. We gathered up many items to donate! Your Steering Team will prayerfully decide this week who to hand deliver this collection of goodies to.
Next on the calendar: Christmas Caroling! We'll see you this week ready to sing! Blessings!