Thursday, May 9, 2013

May MOPS Meeting

Another blessed MOPS year over already! Our final meeting today was fun and relaxing. Our speaker this morning, Gari Flowers, focused on taking time as moms to treat ourselves to some pampering and relaxation. We even got a taste of all that at our meeting this morning! Hopefully, it was a refreshing time for each lady.

For our Creative Activity, we put together a "Summer Bucket List" of things to do with our children over the summer. We wrote different ideas of fun activities to do with our kids on popsicle sticks that we can pull out of a cute little bucket. It's going to be a fun summer!!

Another blessed MOPS year at Cape Bible Chapel coming to a close. God has continued to pour out His blessings on this ministry. He has continued to provide a Steering Team, Mentor Moms, MOPPETS Workers, speakers, AND mothers to keep this ministry going. Our prayer is that He will raise up individuals yet again for the 2013-2014 year.

If you know a mother who would be blessed by this group, please encourage her to register for next year! If you have it on your heart to serve in some way in this ministry, please let us know!

God tells us to "encourage one another and build one another up" (1 Thessalonians 5:11). I can attest to the fact that MOPS provides such encouragement. It has encouraged me TREMENDOUSLY over the past several years. The information and Godly wisdom I have benefited from in MOPS has been a huge blessing in my life. The friendships I have gained at MOPS has built me up and continues to build me up in my walk with the Lord and as a mother. Join us in praying that this ministry will continue to bless others in the future as it has blessed so many of us over the past several years. To God be the glory!