Thursday, December 13, 2012

December MOPS Meeting

Today we had LOTS of yummy food for our tummies and a wonderful Christmas message for our hearts. We opened the morning reading a telling of Mary and Joseph's experience being chosen as Christ's earthly parents. The powerful message of our video was the unfathomable reality that God came to dwell among us. We were reminded this morning that while all the religions of the world exhibit ways for man to try to get to God, Christianity is magnified in its radical reversal of this. Christianity is the ONLY  faith we don't see man trying to get to God--but God came to man. Christ loved us so much that while being fully God, He humbly came as a helpless baby born in a barn among animals. Not only did Jesus love us so much to come to earth in this humble way, but He loved us so much that He was willing to suffer and give His life for each of us. What an amazing, loving God we serve!!

For our Creative Activity this month, we made ornaments that we will give out at the Lutheran Home next week when we take our little ones Christmas caroling there.
All of the ornaments turned out super cute!

We also had lots of fun with our "Mom Themed" White Elephant exchange. We had all sorts of funny items that were a symbol of the season us moms are in. From plungers to "inimates" to chocolate--we all had a good time opening our gifts and hearing who brought the item and why. Very fun!

We missed our moms who weren't able to make it and hope to see everyone next Tuesday morning at the Lutheran Home!

We also want to thank our MOPPETS workers! Thank you, thank you, thank you for serving each month. It is a HUGE blessing to each of our moms. We are so grateful for you!!

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." Isaiah 7:14